Organisational culture

StartOrganisational cultureOrganisational culture

People are the foundation on which the Medical University of Gdańsk is built. Many of them combine research or research and teaching with clinical work. In their case, last years of fighting the pandemic have been particularly difficult.

This time has reinforced our belief that a holistic approach to the employee today is not so much an option as a necessity. Broadly defined well-being is one of the important components of motivation for daily work, whether it involves conducting scholarly activities or supporting academic employees in completing their tasks.

As one of the top ten universities in Poland, we want to stand out not only for the quality of our research, but also set an example of care for our employees. Professional problems (including their most severe form, defined as burnout) can have different origins and courses. Nevertheless, they almost always impede function and reduce quality of life. We would like to raise awareness of risk factors and encourage prevention among our employees in this area. That is why we invited a respected expert to cooperate with us – Danuta Rocławska.

More about the expert

What do we offer?

Individual consultations
Group consultations for team leaders


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