Prof. Krzysztof Narkiewicz (born in 1962) is the head of the Department of Hypertension and Diabetology of the Medical University of Gdańsk (MUG) since 2014. Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Narkiewicz has graduated the Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Gdańsk in 1988 and obtained Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Barbara Krupa-Wojciechowska in 1993. He has got a habilitation degree in medicine in 1996, and he received the title of professor in 2003. In years 1996-1998 he joined a postdoc position in the group of Prof. Dr. Virend K. Somers at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, USA. He has got scientific training also in University of Padova (Italy) and Mayo Clinics (USA). Prof. Narkiewicz’s main research interest comprises pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. He was the President of the Scientific Council of the European Society of Hypertension (2009-2011). He contributed to the European hypertension guidelines (2007, 2013 and 2018). He initiated the concept of the MUG Center of Translation Medicine.
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
- In view of other medical universities in Poland the number of publications in cardiology and cardiovascular medicine does not stand out, however their quality measured with the number of citations is very high. The citation coefficient for one MUG publication amounts 20,1, which is more than double average for the world (8,9) and for Europe (10,4);
- The quality assessment of sources of publications is moderate, only 8,4% of publications were published in the first decile of the best journals in the world (fifth position among medical universities in Poland). The FWCI coefficient resulted in a high value of 1,64 – the highest value is reached only by the Medical university of Wrocław;
- Research in this area includes publications that comprise cardiovascular diseases, including cerebrovascular diseases, among which the works on strokes deserves an attention;
- Researches are conducted mainly in cooperation with international facilities – almost half of the publications in the years of 2012-2018 (42%) was created in the result of such cooperation. The most cooperating institutions come from the USA (65), Italy (39), and Germany (37). The exceptionally strong and developing connections that MUG has are the ones with respected scientific facilities in Utrecht and Glasgow;
- Among MUG researchers with the highest number of publications in the years of 2012-2018 one can find K. Narkiewicz (128 publications), T.R. Zdrojewski (52) and M. Gruchała (51);
- In researches from the scope of cardiology and cardiovascular medicine the infrastructure of University Clinical Centre (UCC) is used. Recently the cardiology and cardiovascular medicine sphere is supported by Translational Medicine Centre (TMC), which embraces, among others, Cardiovascular Phenotyping Center (CPC).
photo Paweł Sudara/MUG