Division of Environmental Toxicology

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Division of Environmental Toxicology

Division of Environmental Toxicology

Faculty of Health Sciences with the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine


  • The Division of Environmental Toxicology investigates the processes involved in the interaction of pollutants with the environment with the aim of prevention, reduction and mitigation of their effects on human health.
  • The Division performs laboratory and field studies related to the chemistry and environmental ecotoxicology of various inorganic and organic pollutants in outdoor and indoor air, water, sediments and soil.
  • As part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” program, the Division also operates a core facility, offering cooperation and the opportunity to perform selected scientific research.


Our team consists of specialists in the field of analytical chemistry, biology (including microbiology), environmental toxicology and law (in particular environmental law) with many years of professional experience:

Scientific employees:

  • Prof. Dr. Habil. Lidia Wolska
  • Prof. Dr. Habil. Maciej Nyka
  • Dr. Habil. Eng. Maciej Tankiewicz
  • Monika Cieszyńska-Semenowicz, Ph.D.
  • Agnieszka Fiszka Borzyszkowska, Eng.D.
  • Ewa Olkowska, Eng.D.
  • Andrzej Reindl, Eng.D.
  • Bartosz Rybak, Ph.D.
  • Goran Gržinić, Ph.D.
  • Przemysław Gnatowski, M.Sc.


In our studies we use a combination of analytical and microbiological methods, bioassays, ecotoxicological tests and chamber techniques to analyse a wide range of inorganic and organic pollutants present in various environmental (air, water, sediment, soil) and biological matrices (human tissues and fluids and in food).

Type of analyses performed:

  • Physical analysis (Aerosol, PM)
  • Chemical analysis (VOCs, PAHs, PCBs, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, phthalates, inorganic ions, etc.)
  • Microbiological analysis (bacteria, fungi, antibiotics resistance)
  • Ecotoxicological analysis (Microtox and other biotests)
  • Assessment of toxin migration through membranes (including skin) using the Franz diffusion cell
  • Genotoxicity, endocrine and mutagenicity tests (YES/YAS, UMU-C, AMES, MN -Test and others)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Environmental Quality and Environmental Risk Assessment
  • Health Risk Assessment.


Selected equipment available at the Division of Environmental Toxicology:

  • GRIMM 11D Portable aerosol spectrometer
  • TE-10-800 Andersen airborne aerosol cascade impactor
  • Coriolis Micro – Microbial air sampler
  • Hanson Vertical Diffusion Cell (VDC) system (Franz cell)
  • Microtox analyzer LX AZF60A000
  • Gas Chromatograph coupled with single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (GCMS-QP2010 SE, Shimadzu), Electrospray Ionization (EI) and Thermal Desorption analyzer (TD-20)
  • Gas Chromatograph coupled with triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (GCMS-TQ8040 NX, Shimadzu) and Electrospray Ionization (EI)
  • High Performance Liquid Ion Chromatography system (Shimadzu) with Conductivity Detector (CDD-10AVP)
  • Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography system (UHPLC Nexera X2 LC-30, Shimadzu) with Diode Array Detector (DAD) and Fluorescence Detector (FLD)
  • Liquid Chromatograph coupled with triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (LCMS-8050, Shimadzu).


The laboratory performs research and analysis according to individual projects. The cost of the service is priced individually.


Prof. Dr. Habil. Lidia Wolska
Head of the Environmental Toxicology Division
Medical University of Gdańsk
Phone: 58 349 19 39

Goran Gržinić, Ph.D.
Head of the Environmental Toxicology Division
Medical University of Gdańsk
Phone: 58 349 19 35

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