Laboratory of Experimental and Translational Allergology

StartSupporting structuresLaboratory of Experimental ...

Laboratory of Experimental and Translational Allergology

Department of Pulmonology & Allergology

Faculty of Medicine


The Laboratory of Experimental and Translational Allergology carries out basic research projects concerning allergic and related diseases, aimed at understanding biological mechanisms, as well as application and translational work on developing and introducing novel diagnostic and therapeutic options into clinical care. This has included developing an open research environment based on cooperation with research units, domestically and abroad, integrating the interdisciplinary the nature of research with the clinical aspects.

Research areas:

1. Basic mechanisms of allergic diseases

2. Genetics and pharmacogenetics of allergic diseases

3. Epidemiology and risk factors of allergic diseases


Research at the Laboratory is conducted in collaboration with scientists and experts in immunology, allergology, epidemiology, molecular biology and biochemistry, as a part of our scientific network. We cooperate with prestigious research institutions in Poland (such as: Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG&MUG, International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science of the University of Gdansk, Gdansk University of Technology, Jagiellonian University, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw) and abroad, including the UK (University of Oxford, University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London), Sweden (Karolinska Institute), Austria (Medical University of Vienna), the Netherlands (University Medical Center Groningen) and France (Necker Hospital, Sorbonne University). We are expanding our capabilities through participation in the European Competence Network on Mastocytosis.


1. Respiratory function tests (spirometry, DLCO, body plethysmography, exhaled nitric oxide test)

2. Point skin tests, intradermal tests, patch tests

3. Respiratory air condensate tests (in cooperation with Gdansk University of Technology)

4. SIgE, BAT, DHT (in cooperation with UCML)

5. ELISpot/Fluorospot labeling (in cooperation with MWB)

6. NTA – Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis determinations (in cooperation with MWB)

7. Holotomographic microscopy (in cooperation with MWB)


The Research Director is responsible for planning and supervising research projects, and is supported by a team consisting of students and laboratory and clinical staff, the shape of which is adapted to current project needs.

The research team includes:

  • Dr Habil. Danuta Gutowska-Owsiak – Laboratory Coordinator
  • Prof. Marek Niedoszytko
  • Wojciech Nazar, Ph.D.
  • Karolina Kita, Ph.D.
  • Aleksandra Górska, Ph.D.
  • Jan Romantowski, Ph.D.


Division of Allergology
Department of Pulmonology & Allergology
Medical University of Gdańsk
Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17
80-214 Gdańsk

Phone 58 584 43 00