Brain Diseases Centre

StartSupporting structuresBrain Diseases Centre

Brain Diseases Centre of the Medical University of Gdańsk


The Brain Diseases Centre of the Medical University of Gdańsk is another university-wide unit on the map of initiatives supported under the Excellence Initiative – Research University program. It was established to make the most of MUG’s scientific and research potential in neuroscience.

Translational projectsfrom bench to bedsite – are underway at the Centre, promising to eventually use diagnostic or therapeutic solutions developed on experimental models of brain diseases in standard clinical practice. The centre was established to create optimal conditions for the cooperation of various units (both university and non–MUG) involved in such scientific endeavors.


The Centre conducts activities of a horizontal nature, coordinating the research activities of MUG units and non-university units in the area of basic sciences (laboratories, research institutes, research and development centres) conducting activities in the area of neuroscience with those of clinical units.

Using the potential of cooperation, the Centre wants to increase the efficiency of raising funds from public domestic and international funding sources and more effectively attract business partners for research and development projects.


A research director, appointed by the Rector of MUG, is responsible for the operation of the unit, including the composition and substantive conduct of scientific work, and is supervised by the Scientific Council. Its composition is process-oriented and variable: it is made up of the heads of MUG units involved in the ongoing projects carried out by the Centre and the principal investigators of these projects, while other experienced researchers may also be included in the Council at the request of the Head of the Centre. Given the nature of the Centre – most of the research work will be preclinical in nature – the statutorily recommended Chairman of the Council is the head of Priory Research Area 3 (Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology).


The Brain Disease Centre is dedicated to translational projects. It is intended to use the research tools of the fundamental medical sciences, but always to mee the needs dictated by modern clinical practice. The centre is a place for research that requires perpendicular and/or horizontal interdisciplinarity; it will not, for example, be an appropriate place for strictly clinical, second- or third-phase research projects. A multi-domain structure is not usually needed to implement them – the entirety can often be carried out entirely in University and Hospital clinical unit settings here, using hospital diagnostics.

Prof. Bartosz Karaszewski, Head of the Department of Neurology and the Department of Adult Neurology, creator of the idea and Head of research at the Brain Diseases Centre of the Medical University


The Brain Diseases Centre provides services to external entities.


Centre’s Office

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photo Paweł Sudara/MUG