Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit

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From 01.10.2024, the only criterion for Open Access publication funding by the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit is publication in a journal in the first quartile of the Journal Impact Factor (Q1), provided that the author of the publication from the MUG is a first and/or correspondence author. However, we note that if the relevant journal is included in one of the ministerial funding schemes for Open Access publications, priority should be given to using these schemes.

Before generating an invoice for a publication, please contact the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit to ensure that funding is possible.

An updated list of selected journals with Impact Factor 2023 values, breakdown into quartiles and deciles and ministerial scores has been made available on the Extranet: www.extranet.gumed.edu.pl/page.php/503949.

Impact Factor values of other journals not on the list can be checked using the Journal Citation Reports database or contact:

– Bibliography Departament (Phone: 58 349 10 43, E-mail: biblioteka.bibliografia@gumed.edu.pl)
– Scientific Information (Phone: 58 349 10 45, E-mail: biblioteka.informacja@gumed.edu.pl).


Our goal

The scientific potential of the Medical University of Gdańsk is over a thousand researchers and over three hundred doctoral students, active in publications fields in the national and international scientific circuit. The Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit was established with a view to them. The unit aims to provide comprehensive support for the communication of research results, particularly at the various stages of preparing English-language scientific publications.

How do we help?

We help to achieve the highest possible quality of language, editorial and graphic design of scientific articles and support their publication in the best scientific journals in the formula of Open Access.

In cooperation with the Main Library, we assist the Authors in the selection of such periodicals that guarantee wide readership and a high level of citation of the research results. The current, detailed list of scientific journals (divided into quartiles, deciles, and research areas, taking into account the current bibliometric parameters), which we present below, may prove helpful in making the choice. We support researchers who publish in the best journals by paying for Open Access publications ’’Open Access’’ Program.

We are in possession of database of cooperating companies that provide professional translation and proof reading services at the highest level (according to the requirements of the journals from the Philadelphia list). We will complete the needed service (The ’’Proof Reading’’ Program) on behalf of the author. Researchers who need support with the visual design of their text are encouraged to explore the possibilities offered by the Biorender platform. Support for the purchase of a licence can be obtained through the IDUB programme (The ’’Graphic Design’’ Program).

Open publishing with the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit in 3 easy steps:


When choosing a journal, be guided by the indices calculated in the Journal Citation Reports database. If you wish to receive funding to cover Open Access publications, consider open or hybrid journals from the first quartile (Q1). The publication’s author from the MUG must be a first and/or correspondence author. The same conditions also apply for Proof Reading. A list of journals by discipline, quartile, and decile can be found here. We recommend first checking whether the relevant journal is not on the lists of ministerial funding programmes for Open Access publications. If this is the case, these programmes should be used in the first instance.

TIP: If you are in doubt about the scoring of a particular journal, please contact the staff of the Open Science Team or the Bibliography Lab in the Library – otwarta.nauka@gumed.edu.pl, biblioteka.bibliografia@gumed.edu.pl.


If you need help with translation or text editing, funding is available through Proof Reading. Once your article has been accepted by the relevant journal (see section 1), contact the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit, submit the article abstract, journal name and invoice. Once you have confirmed your eligibility for the programme, you will be given a project number and tasks to complete the application by EOD. In the application, select publication services, indicate IDUB as the source of funding and add the required attachments. Select the company to which you will outsource the service – this company must be on the MUG contractor list. Once the application has been submitted to EOD, the original invoice with a signed description of the invoice must be delivered by internal mail to the IDUB Office.

IMPORTANT: You can outsource translation, editing and proofreading services only to listed companies.

If you want to create professional graphics to visualise your data, which will enhance the quality of your work, you can get access to the Biorender platform as part of the Graphic Design. However, please remember to cite your graphics correctly. To arrange an access date, contact the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit staff – wsparcie.publikacyjne@gumed.edu.pl.


If you wish to use the Open Access programme of the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit, please bear in mind the rules on journal selection (see section 1).

Before generating an invoice for a publication, please contact the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit to ensure that funding is possible.

Once your article has been accepted by the journal of your choice, submit the article abstract, journal name and invoice. Once you have received confirmation with your project and task number, submit your application through EOD: select publication services as the application type, indicate the relevant funding source, add the required attachments (proforma invoice, invoice description and article abstract) and indicate the company that invoices the publication service. Once the application has been submitted to EOD, the original invoice with a signed description of the invoice must be delivered by internal mail to the IDUB Office.

When submitting the manuscript or at the final stage of the publication process (depending on the journal), there will be an option to indicate the funder – if you have chosen the Open Access programme of the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit, enter “Medical University of Gdansk Excellence Initiative – Research University Programme” (“Medical University of Gdansk Excellence Initiative – Research University”).

TIP: Can’t find a suitable journal on the list or your chosen journal doesn’t meet the terms of the Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit? You can also take advantage of the for publication Office for Research’s financial support programmeservices, where the basic criterion is publication in a first-quartile (Q1) journal. In addition, it is worth checking out journals from the ministerial open access publishing programmes administered by the Library. You can also look at the diamond list of Open Access journals, which do not charge authors or readers. If in doubt, contact the staff of the Library’s Open Learning Team.

Lists of journals by quartile and decile compared with ministerial scores

Journals with IF 2023 quartiles deciles PRA Clinical Medicine Shanghai

Clarivate publishes new Impact Factor values for scientific journals every year, creating a ranking that demonstrates the impact value of scientific journals. Due to the need to update information on quartiles and percentiles of journals based on the aforementioned ranking, please treat the available database as illustrative. Verification of a journal’s current IF is possible directly at the MUG’s Bibliography Department.

Recommended materials

Planned service development

We are working to set up a system to allow researchers to “internally review” the merits of manuscripts of papers before they are sent for publication. This system will be based on collaboration with interested University staff (including retired professors affiliated with the University) and collaborating researchers (including visiting professors). We also plan to organise workshops devoted to improving the skills of presenting research results, both in the form of publications and conference presentations.

We also encourage everyone interested in popularizing the results of their work to get acquainted with the Science is People and Nauka to ludzie websites, where we present the achievements of the employees of the Medical University of Gdańsk in a form of short films.

Worth knowing

Authors can publish their manuscripts before official publication in a scientific journal by using open platforms www.medrxiv.org and www.biorxiv.org. Manuscripts published there are not subjected to the peer-review process, they undergo only a basic content verification. The assumption is that the peer-review process will take place after they have been submitted to the editors of the target journals or the text is already in the process.

Using the above platforms has three undoubted advantages:

– from the moment the manuscript is posted on the platform, the work is citable,

– other researchers can comment on it, and their suggestions can help improve the article,

– the ongoing monitoring of published papers gives access to the latest research results that have not yet appeared in print

The portal is regularly used by researchers around the world to share their discoveries, and reputable scientific and research units support it in the process of employee evaluation. It can be useful due to the long review process in the best scientific journals.

Notice – Before placing a preprint in one of the indicated repositories, authors should read the policy of the publisher of the journal in which the full version of the article is to be published. This can be done, for example by using the SHERPA/RoMEO website and make sure that the guidelines of the publishing house are followed.

In case of additional questions questions about the SHERPA/RoMEO service, please contact the Bibliographic Division, Main Library of the Medical University of Gdańsk phone number (58) 349 10 43.




Jakub Rusakow, Ph.D.
58 349 10 45

Marta Hnat
58 349 18 61

Adam Bogdański
58 349 18 61