IP_CMC competition for research using WGS

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IP_CMC competition for research using WGS


The Interdisciplinary Pomeranian Centre for Digital Medicine (IP_CMC) announces a competition for employees and Ph.D. students of the MUG and the UCC for research using whole-genome sequencing (WGS).

Sequencing of 100 patient genomes will be performed within the IP_CMC consortium.


  • no specific form,
  • form: maximum two pages of description in pdf format (Arial font, size 11).

Applications should be sent by 15 September 2024 to: centralnybiobank@gumed.edu.pl.


  • the applicant may be a Department or Clinic (it is necessary to obtain written permission from the head of the unit to conduct the study),
  • the project leader may be a person who, at the application deadline, holds at least a Master’s degree or equivalent,
  • the project leader has at least one published paper in his/her scientific output,
  • between 1 and 33 samples can be sequenced in a single application.

Project duration:

2 years, biobanking by 15 November 2024. – 16 November 2026.

Selection Committee:

  • IDUB Priority Research Areas representatives (3),
  • IP_CMC representatives (3).

Tasks carried out by the IP_CMC:

  • performance of DNA isolation,
  • biobanking and sequencing of samples,
  • data analysis, and providing files of detected genetic variants with their annotation.

Tasks of the project manager:

  • taking informed consent from the patient for the collection of biological material for WGS testing and completing the questionnaire (model documents are specified by the MRA),
  • collection of material from patients and transfer to the Central Biobank (according to the MRA quality requirements),
  • interpretation of results and preparation of scientific publications.