The “Incoming Research Grants” Program

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Program „Incoming Research Grants”

Program supporting visits of researchers to MUG units

“Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program

The Incoming Research Grants (IRG) programme is an initiative that enables researchers from the Medical University of Gdańsk to invite colleagues from foreign units for a short-term research internship (2-4 weeks) to develop scientific cooperation and organise a scientific seminar or open lecture.

Winners of the programme will receive support in the form of full or partial coverage of costs related to the internship. In addition, researchers can count on assistance in organising their arrival, including the preparation of relevant documentation, hotel and flight reservations, and the organisation of a seminar or lecture.

Researchers interested in benefiting from the programme should apply for funding for a guest visit under the “Incoming Research Grants Programme”.

Details about the program are available in Extranet.


Applications should be directed to the Administration Department for the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program: