The "Student Grant" Program

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The "Student Grant" Program


Are you studying but your classes are not enough for you? Do you keep asking new questions, are interested in learning and imagine a future at the university? The Student Grant is the program for you – if you have an idea for a research project, can describe it, plan it and justify its importance, you can receive PLN 25000 to implement it.

Prof. Tomasz Bączek
Prof. Tomasz Bączek

I am very pleased that after implementing several programs addressed to male and female employees of the MUG, we can extend the support also to our male and female students – said Professor Tomasz Bączek, Rector’s Representative for the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” program – One of the goals we have set for ourselves is to improve the quality of education, taking into account the need to involve male and female students in conducting scientific research. Such ‘research training’ at the university will certainly translate into earlier development of a range of skills necessary for further stages of scientific development and increase their chances of success.

Male and female single degree programs students (including English Division) and double degree students can apply for the program. The regulations, application form and other documents related to the program are available on the website We kindly ask you to read them carefully before submitting your application.

Applications should be sent to by 15 May 2024.

After a formal assessment, the proposals will take part in the competition procedure. It will be carried out under the responsibility of the Scientific Council (Prof. Tomasz Bączek, Prof. Miłosz Jaguszewski and Prof. Anna Żaczek) and a team of reviewers appointed by it, which will make a substantive assessment of the submitted research projects based on the following criteria:

  • originality of the research problem,
  • the research methodology adopted,
  • the relevance of the research findings in a theoretical/practical context,
  • the innovative nature of the research,
  • the reasonableness of the costs in relation to the object and scope of the planned work.

Prof. Miłosz Jaguszewski
Prof. Miłosz Jaguszewski

We aimed to create a comprehensive proposal for people who already show interest in science during their studies and would like to prove themselves in this field –explained Professor Miłosz Jaguszewski from the 1st Department of Cardiology of the MUG. – Therefore, based on previous experience and consultations with students and academics, we have prepared a program that is not limited to simply funding research. It also provides an invaluable opportunity for long-term cooperation with a mentor or mentee and scientific development according to an individual, ‘tailor-made’ plan.

Funding will be awarded to a minimum of 10 projects with the highest scores. Importantly, those whose projects are rated highest will not only receive financial support, but also mentor support during the research as well as dedicated training or workshops to develop their chosen competencies and skills.

The planned date for the announcement of the results in the first edition of the Student Grant program is 30 June 2024.

Photo Paweł Sudara/MUG, Paweł Paszko