Dr. Habil. Piotr Bandosz


Dr. Habil. Piotr Bandosz

experience, competence, research

  • design and implementation (including programming) of epidemiological models, in particular stochastic macrosimulation models Previous experience of the Laboratory’s personnel includes:
  • Implementation of the Polish version of the IMPACT-CHD model, explaining the causes of the decrease in cardiovascular mortality in Poland between 1991 and 2005
  • Evaluating the potential effects of population-based interventions to further reduce mortality from ischemic heart disease: EUROHEART II project funded by the European Council.

We are currently co-implementing the UKCHASCAP project (UK-China Health And Social Challenges Ageing Project: present and future burden of dementia, and policy responses), led by University College London: this is a multi-center research project aimed at developing policies to combat dementia in the UK and China.