The Cancer prevention and early detection Priority Research Area 1 Study Team IX meeting will be held on 22 June at 13:00 in a hybrid format: in the Centre for Non-Invasive Medicine (first floor, Room 1/D/16) and online on the ZOOM platform. The guest lecture, entitled Population strategies for cancer prevention – focus on tobacco control, will be given by Mark Parascandola,Ph.D. – Head of the Research and Training Branch in the Centre for Global Health at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Parascandola, Ph.D. will visit the Medical University of Gdańsk at the special invitation of Dr. Habil. Łukasz Balwicki, Assoc. Prof., Head of the Division of Public Health & Social Medicine at the MUG and one of the coordinators of Team IX.
The meeting will begin with a short speech by Professor Witold Rzyman – Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the MUG, who will present the implementation of a nationwide pilot programme for the early detection of lung cancer. The event is aimed at those interested in cancer prevention and prevention.
Access details for the online meeting::
Direct link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82449378902?pwd=ZUhXNVVreDdhRWdxY3F3Nm40TWhxdz09
Meeting ID: 824 4937 8902
Access code: jMLue88^
Mark Parascandola, Ph.D., M.P.H., is Branch Chief for Research and Training in the Center for Global Health at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). He received his Doctorate in Philosophy of Science from Cambridge University and his Master of Public Health degree in Epidemiology from the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health. He has authored over 75 published articles on global cancer prevention, implementation science, tobacco control, and epidemiologic research methodology. He served as an editor for the NCI/WHO report The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Control (2016), the NCI/CDC report Smokeless Tobacco and Public Health: A Global Perspective (2014), and the two-volume encyclopedia Tobacco: Its History and Culture (2005). Dr. Parascandola has served as an Embassy Science Fellow and expert advisor on tobacco control, air pollution and health at the U.S. Embassies in Beijing, China, and Warsaw, Poland.