This year’s last meeting with young talents from high schools is behind us. During the classes, held on December 17-18, 2022, lecturers from the MUG and clinicians from the UCC introduced them to selected issues in cardiology and cardiac surgery.
The participants began the first day of classes by learning about the specifics of work in the hemodynamic laboratory, which they were told about by Dariusz Ciećwierz, Ph.D., who heads the UCC Invasive Cardiology Laboratory, and Prof. Miłosz Jaguszewski from the 1st Department of Cardiology at the MUG. They learned about the equipment used in the diagnosis and therapeutic procedures, and how the subsequent phases of hospital treatment of ischemic heart disease are carried out.
Darusz Ciećwierz, Ph.D. and Prof. Miłosz Jaguszewski
The next part of the meeting was devoted to discussing the heart transplantation program, which has been carried out at the University Clinical Centre for more than a dozen years. Maciej Duda, M.D. of the Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery explained the process of preparation and the course of this complex operation itself, as well as the various forms of mechanical circulatory support for those awaiting transplantation. The meeting was also an opportunity to get answers to many questions that arise, for example, in the public debate in connection with this type of medical procedure.
How lecturers and clinicians use 3D printing technology in their work, the students learned from Jarosław Meyer-Szary, Ph.D. and Magdalena Bazgier, M.D. from the Department of Paediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Defects. They demonstrated on dozens of models how they can be used in planning and simulating procedures, among other things.
An active culmination of the two-day meeting was a workshop at the Cardiovascular Simulation Centre. In a state-of-the-art phantom laboratory, students had the chance to perform their first echocardiogram. The class was conducted by Prof. Marcin Fijałkowski, coordinator of the Centre.
Prof. Marcin Fijałkowski during a class at the Cardiovascular Simulation Centre
photo: Miłosz Jaguszewski i Agnieszka Anielska/MUG