Subject Area and Research Team: X. Integrated and palliative care, quali...

Subject Area and Research Team: X. Integrated and palliative care, quality of life, survivorship

Research topics

1. Legal and psychological issues of palliative care in the context patient-physician communication and decision making

2. Determinants of psychological well-being and quality of life in patients with cancer and advanced chronic somatic disease

3. Complementary and alternative medicine use in advanced cancer patients undergoing palliative care

4. Automatic recognition of pain responses based on biometric parameters in patients with acute and chronic pain. Effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EDMR) in reducing anxiety and pain in palliative patients

5. Reinforcement of emotional intelligence and communication skills in students of medicine. Students’ attitudes towards life and their convictions about possible activities in end of life care

6. Partnerships between specialist palliative care services across Europe


Coordinator #1 Coordinator #2 Coordinator #3
Name and surname
Monika Lichodziejewska-Niemierko
Milena Lachowicz
Joanna Kufel-Grabowska
Academic degree Prof. Dr. Habil. Ph.D. Ph.D.
Employment unit Department of Palliative Medicine Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy
Polish Platform of Medical Research Prof. Dr. Habil. Monika Lichodziejewska-Niemierko Milena Lachowicz, Ph.D. Joanna Kufel-Grabowska, Ph.D.
Phone number +48 58 349 15 73 +48 58 349 45 10 +48 58 584 44 87

photo Paweł Sudara/MUG

Research Team: X. Integrated and palliative care, quality of life, survivorship

Team Members: X. Integrated and palliative care, quality of life, survivorship (167 KB)

Feel free to contact one of our coordinators to join our Research Team.

Key current projects

1. Analysis of the legal status of patient-physician communication and decision making in palliative care in the Central and Eastern European Countries

2. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use among patients with advanced cancer undergoing palliative care

3. Volunteering in the hospice and palliative care in Poland

4. Medical students’ attitudes towards life and their convictions about possible activities in end of life care

5. Assessment of the knowledge of palliative medicine, pain management and personal experiences regarding cooperation with terminally ill patients among general practitioners, palliative medicine specialists, oncologists, and haematologists

6. Partnerships between specialist palliative care services across Europe

Key grants

Funding agency/grant number Title of the project Years
1. Horizon 2020, grant number 825677 Project on Exercise for Fatigue Eradication in Advanced Breast cancer to improve quality of life – PREFERABLE 2019-ongoing
2. ST-51 Legal and psychological issues of palliative care in the context of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and the quality of life of patients and their families 2018-2021

International cooperation

Foreign partner (unit name) Principal investigator(s) Area of cooperation
1. Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine Prof. Bohdan Hromovyk, Sofiya Shunkina, Ph.D. Analysis of the legal status of patient-physician communication and decision making in palliative care in the Central and Eastern European Countries
2. University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands Anne May Effects of structured and individualized exercise in patients with metastatic breast cancer on fatigue and quality of life
3. Institute for European Hospice Partnerships, Johannes-Hospiz Münster Foundation, Münster, Germany Andreas Stähli, Ph.D. Analysis of the current status and the future needs of the cooperation between specialist palliative care services from WHO European region

Key publications

1. Pawłowski L, Lichodziejewska-Niemierko M, Pawłowska I, Leppert W, Mróz P. Nationwide survey on volunteers’ training in hospice and palliative care in Poland. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2019; vol. 9: p. 25.

2. Pawłowski L, Modlińska A, Lichodziejewska-Niemierko M. Selected aspects of advance care planning according to Polish legal regulations — physician’s requirements. Palliat. Med. Pract. 2019; vol. 13: p. 197–203.

3. Szeroczyńska M, Czarkowski M, Krajnik M, Krajewski R, Pawłowski L, Adamczyk A, Barczak-Oplustil A, Aszyk P, Kobyliński A, Pasierski T, Sobański P, Bołoz W On Behalf Of The Polish Working Group On End-Of-Life Ethics, Institution of the health care agent in Polish legislation: position of the Polish Working Group on End-of-Life Ethics. Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej 2016; vol. 126: p. 313–320.

4. Adamowicz K, Janiszewska J, Lichodziejewska – Niemierko M. Prognostic Value of Patient Knowledge of Cancer on Quality of Life in Advanced Lung Cancer During Chemotherapy. Journal of Cancer Education 2020; vol. 35: p. 93–99.

5. Adamowicz K, Saad ED, Jassem J. Health-related quality of life assessment in contemporary phase III trials in advanced colorectal cancer. Cancer Treat Rev. 2016; vol. 50: p. 194-199.