1. Dyslipidemia as a major risk factor for cardio-vascular complications in patients – clinical and epidemiological studies
2. Pharmacological blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) in CKD patients
3. Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) – prognostic factors and clinical outcome
4. Factors affecting outcome in children receiving chronic renal replacement therapy for end-stage renal disease across Europe – registry studies
Coordinator #1 | Coordinator #2 | |
Name and surname | ![]() |
![]() |
Academic degree | Dr. Habil. | Ph.D. |
Employment unit | Department of Nephrology, Transplantology and Internal Diseases | Department of Paediatrics, Nephrology and Hypertension |
Polish Platform of Medical Research | Dr. Habil. Zbigniew Heleniak | Ilona Zagożdżon, Ph.D. |
zbigniew.heleniak@gumed.edu.pl | ilona.zagozdzon@gumed.edu.pl | |
Phone number | +48 58 584 47 00 | +48 58 34 928 50 |
photos Paweł Sudara/MUG, Mikołaj Frankiewicz
1. Mechanisms diminishing cardio-vascular risk in end-stage renal disease patients undergoing kidney transplantation
2. Cardiovascular phenotype of adult and pediatric patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
3. Acute kidney injury and renal replacement therapies after cardiovascular surgery
4. The role of abnormalities of fatty acids profile in chronic kidney disease
5. Phenotype-genotype correlations in familial hematuria (Alport Syndrome and Thin Basemen Membrane Nephropathy)
Funding agency/grant numer | Title of the project | Years | |
1. | National Science Centre NCN: 2013/11/B/NZ5/00118 | The role of abnormalities of fatty acids profile in chronic kidney disease | 2014-2018 |
2. | National Science Centre NCN: 2017/25/N/NZ5/00466 | Phenotype-genotype correlations in familial hematuria | 2017-ongoing |
3. | National Science Centre NCN:2018/30/M/NZ5/00480 | Bone-mineral phenotype in ADPKD patients | 2019-onging |
Foreign partner (unit name) | Principal investigator(s) | Area of cooperation | |
1. | Katholieke University of Leuven, Belgium | Prof Pieter Evenenepoel | Chronic kidney dsease |
2. | ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry Amsterdam University, Nethrlands | Kitty Jager | Data of National Registries of Children with Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease |
3. | Heidelberg University, Germany | Prof. Franz Schaefer | Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Children With Chronic Kidney Disease (4C) Study |
4. | Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany | Prof Klemens Budde | Arterial stiffness in renal transplant recipients |
5. | Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden | Prof Peter Stenvinkel, Prof Bengt Lindholm | Atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease |
1. Chmielewski M, Korczyńska J, Śledziński M, Czaplińska M, Dębska-Ślizień A, Mika A: Contribution of increased expression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 in adipose tissue to serum content of monounsaturated fatty acids in patients with chronic kidney disease. Pol Arch Intern Med. 2019;129(9):641-644.
2. Czaplińska M, Ćwiklińska A, Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M, Wieczorek E, Kuchta A, Kowalski R, Kortas-Stempak B, Dębska-Ślizień A, Jankowski M, Król E: Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism and renal function are associated with apolipoprotein E concentration in patients with chronic kidney disease. Lipids Health Dis. 2019;18(1):60.
3. Mika A, Sikorska-Wiśniewska M, Małgorzewicz S, Stepnowski P, Dębska-Ślizień A, Śledziński T, Chmielewski M.: Potential contribution of monounsaturated fatty acids to cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease. Pol Arch Intern Med. 2018;128(12): 755-763
4. Kuźmiuk-Glembin I, Adrych D, Tylicki L, Heleniak Z, Garnier H, Wiśniewski J, Rutkowski P, Rutkowski B, Dębska-Ślizień A. Treatment of hypertension in renal transplant recipients in four independent cross-sectional analyses Kidney Blood Press Res. 2018;43(1):45-54.
5. Chesnaye NC, Schaefer F, Bonthuis M , Holman R, Baiko S, Baskın E, Bjerre A, Cloarec S, Cornelissen EAM, Espinosa L, Heaf J, Stone R,Shtiza D, Zagozdzon I , Harambat J, Jager KJ, Groothoff JW, van Stralen KJ, ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry Committee.: Mortality risk disparities in children receiving chronic renal replacement therapy for the treatment of end-stage renal disease across Europe: an ESPN-ERA/EDTA registry analysis. Lancet, 2017;389(10084):2128-2137.